Woozworld Wiki

Woozen-7477 334756-2

Character Information
Gender: Female
Also known as: Jenny
Friends: Friends:
Occupation: Animator
First Appearance: 2010
Preztige: 50
Color Scheme
Color Color Color

JennyWooz is one of the four main animators, and is a regular. She is the spouse of MaxWooz. Jenny's color code is mint green, and pink, Jenny uses two different shades of pink, as one of them is lighter and one is darker.


Jenny used to be a genuine mother figure to the Woozens but then the Crack of Woozworld (in reference to the Crack of Wallstreet) happened.

Historical context

Crack of Woozworld

Since the creation of Woozworld in (see Wikipedia) until 2010, there wasn't economical problems in Woozworld for many regulated Woozens came each day in Woozworld. But since January 2011, the Woozband had to cope with big financial problems. Less and less Woozens came so they decided to arrange an exaggerated system : the "EnergiZ" or "Level System". It's a system that claims that the more votes you receive, the more games you win, the more will you be in a higher rank. Whenever you reach a certain level, you will receive Wooz (see article). Another thing the Woozband decided was to give a whole day along VIP's card to the Woozens who were connected. Those appetizing offers were however more seen as an desperate buoy to keep the last Woozens on Woozworld. Because no matter how much effort they exercise, Woozens kept leaving. Another category of Woozens was the Eldest, those who were on Woozworld since it's birth. They formed an activist group against the gray universe Woozworld had become. Naturally, the Eldest was an elite squad, only consisted of the most well-off Woozens.


Even if the Eldest nagged about the abolishment of the Level system, no member listened to them. Some were so desperate, they even tried to bring the subject on Woozband Talk Show/Café/Event but were or ignored or growled at by Woozband member Jay Wooz. Woozworld understood that time change. Farewell, the old days full of fantasies and creations with the sparkle of imagination. Now, there's the technology market that invaded us and Woozworld had to adapt to the new generation. The Eldest left. The Woozband became very interested in the new "chic" image of the youngest.

JennyWooz was the most tagged by this "copy the teens trend". So she aspired to look as if she were a popular adolescent and even divorced her husband, Max. She's no longer a mother figure but an imitation.

